Why Mallory Brown ’06 (German minor) hires Arts and Letters majors at her global consulting firm

Author: Todd Boruff

“From a liberal arts education at Notre Dame, you very quickly learned how to make an argument and see the holes in the argument,” said Mallory Brown ’06, principal at Egon Zehnder, a global management consulting and executive search firm.

political science major and a German minor in the College of Arts and Letters, Brown has spent her entire career with the company, beginning at its Chicago office, then New York, and now in Berlin for the last five years.

“It's quite enjoyable because I get to transition into a lot of different topics,” she said, ”and I get to continuously learn about a variety of areas that actually had not a lot of grounding in what I studied. But it's through the skills that I built in studying Arts and Letters that I've been able to make those transitions in my career.”

When hiring entry-level researchers, Brown said that she looks for students with a broad educational background.

“I'm targeting Arts and Letters majors because I know they can write well, and they've also had exposure to a broad number of topics,” Brown said. “We deal with every industry, every function, and every geography, so the broader the type of candidate and the type of student we can interview, the better, because they are then able to adapt into a variety of different business contexts.”

Originally published by Todd Boruff at College of Arts & Letters Latest News