Summer Internship Program at German Universities of Applied Sciences

Author: Tanja Schuler


UAS7 (Seven German Universities of Applied Sciences) invites students who are currently enrolled in Canadian and U.S. colleges to apply for the UAS7 Study Program (SP), the UAS7 Study and Internship Program (SIP), or for the UAS7 Internship Program (IP). 

The deadline for these programs is February 15, 2016. Successful applicants for the Study & Internship Program (SIP), Internship Program (IP), and Study Program (SP) are eligible for a UAS7 Travel Scholarship of 1000 EUR to cover or defray transatlantic travel expenses for program participation.

For more information about scholarships for the UAS7 Study and Internship Programs, click here.

Contact Prof. Della Rossa if you are interested in applying.