DISCUSSION PANEL: New Cold War? What the Next US President Should Know about Russia


Location: 114 O'Shaughnessy Hall

Susanne Wengle, Department of Political Science
Alexander Martin, Department of History
Semion Lyandres, Department of History
Melissa Miller, Department of German and Russian
Sergey Karpukhin, Department of German and Russian

In a few years in the beginning of the 21st century Vladimir Putin's Russia turned from a post-Soviet partner into what seems to be a threat to international stability. While the Western media tries to make sense of the new Russia by relying on familiar terminology and speaks of Russia's aggressive international ambitions in terms of its unhealed post-Soviet grudges, US-Russian relations have reached their lowest point since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Why is Russia so important for this year's presidential elections in the US? What to expect if the Russian government is interfering in the US electoral process? To learn more, join us for a teach-in on US-Russian relations on Friday, October 28, at 4:30 PM, 114 O'Shaughnessy Hall.

Pizza will be served at the end of the event.